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A collective for Cutting-edge

EEG/MEG research

Next event:


Oct 28-31, 2024


The CuttingEEG association thrives to promote cutting-edge methods for EEG and MEG research to study cognition and for clinical applications. It organizes learning, and networking opportunities such as conferences, workshops, or special issues in scientific journals for a worldwide audience of researchers in all fields using EEG, MEG, or any related method to study how the brain functions, and dysfunctions.

Science first

Being independent and free of conflict of interest matters to us. We thrive to apply and promote good practices in our daily work as well as during our events.

Science by people

Diversity is essential in science! We actively monitor the gender ratio in our events and strive to be inclusive.


We want science to be accessible while being sustainable. Most of our events are hybrid and some are even multicentric!

PFF : Professional, flexible & friendly

Our events are in the image of our vision of science: a safe environment allowing important advances while staying benevolent and friendly – always complemented with a touch of music!

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